Friday, December 10, 2010
Demi Lovato - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (Revised w/ Lyrics)
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on your troubles will be out of sight, yeah
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on your troubles will be miles away, oh
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore, ah
Faithful friends who are dear to us
They gather near to us once more, ooh
Through the years we all will be together and
[ From:]
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bow, oh yeah, oh
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now, oh, oh
Faithful friends who are dear to us
They gather near to us once more, oh, oh
Through the years we all will be together and
If the fates allow, oh yeah
But 'til then we'll have to muddle through somehow, oh yeah, oh, oh
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now, ooh yeah, oh, ooh
Saturday, December 4, 2010
ENG53 Children's Literature
Formal Criticism - assumes that the important thing is the text-and text alone.
* Makes considerable use of the terminology we have just examined, and formal criticism prefers to categorize literature into kinds or genres-much like this book does.
* Would look for the essential unity of the text, perhaps focusing on the rising and falling dramatic action and the bldg. of suspense in the children's overhearing their parents plotting.
* The strength of formal criticism is that it causes us to read the literature carefully & thoughtfully.
Archetypal Criticism - The psychologist and physician Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) believed in a collective unconscious that lay deep within all of us and contained the “cumulative knowledge, experiences, and images of the entire human race.”
* Depends heavily on symbols, and patterns operating on a universal scale.
* The Hero with a Thousand Faces - explores patterns in his book.
* Allows us to see the larger patterns of literature, although it tends to ignore the individual contributions of the author and specific cultural and societal influences.
Historical Criticism - examines the culture and the society from which a literary work came and how these influences affect the literature.
* Often overlooks the literary elements and structure as well as the author's individual contributions.
Psychoanalytical Criticism - The psychoanalytical reading of a text attempts to “offer maps to unconscious stages of psychic development.”
* Based on the work of Sigmund Freud in the early 20th century, Psychoanalytical Criticism attempts to explain the reasons for human actions.
* Psychoanalytic critic sees a work of literature as the outward expression of an author's unconscious mind, and it becomes the reader's or critic's task to discover the author's hidden fears, desires, and motivations.
* This type of criticism can coexist comfortably with other types
* The most famous modern example in children's literature of psychoanalytical reading is Bruno Bettelheim's study of folktales.
Feminist Criticism - an offspring of the feminist movement of the mid-twentieth century
* It's focus of how gender affects literary work, writer, or reader.
* A major concern of feminist criticism is the masculine bias in literature.
* The feminist looks for the presence of females’ stereotypes, for example, the woman as the dark-haired, sensuous submissive femine fatale, or as the fair-haired, vaginal, plaster saint.
* To challenge the way we have traditionally read literature & that is from the point of view of a male-dominated society. The feminist critic believes that, in the words of Simon de Beauvior, “One is not born, but rather becomes a woman.” Or another critic says: “Feminists do not deny that women exhibit group characteristics. However, they do not accept the thesis that similarities in female behavior are biologically determined.”
* Feminist Criticism therefore ultimately becomes cultural criticism
Reported by: Melanie Bernadette Borja
Saturday, October 16, 2010
My Learning Experience (1000 words essay) EdTech1 Final Exam

Mindanao University of Science and Technology
C.M Recto Avenue Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City
BORJA, Melanie Bernadette S.
My Learning Experience
•• Description and analysis of the group learning process :
In a group of learning process, what I like is that, there are unity and collaboration or sharing of ideas. As long as their are many person involve in a group, their are also many opinions, ideas, thoughts, comments. In another side about group work, what we really don't like about it is that most often some members of the group are not committed,they don't care about a certain project or activity, and also some members will only depend to the leader. The possibility of being lazy and relax of doing a project are really existing. Also, the group itself don't agree in one ideas that's why sometimes it can create chaos.
•• Synthesis of readings and research from this subject:
The synthesis of readings and research from this subject is that e-learning, instructional technology and learning technology, educational technology is the use of technology to support the learning process. A global citizen, a global Teacher modern times paved us the way for different technological advances that prevent to be very helpful in our everyday living. Different technological advances created a new trend to satisfy our thirst for modernism and high-tech living. With these new trends, our educational system is also coinciding with this making learning more advanced through the use of modern devices. During those times computers are only used for computing and storing data. Computers proved to very helpful and useful for education that integration has been the topic during seminars and workshops and how can we utilize it to help our students face the world surrounded by modem technology. It is true that technology has its plus and minuses. Others may also say that because of technological advances, we are all teaching our children to become lazy and just depend on the computer. Yet let us accept the fact that time has changed, our times are evolving and we could no longer apply what we have learned in the previous years to the generation of today. We should go with the flow. We just have to know our limitations in using these modern technologies. These are made to make our life easier and comfortable. We are human beings ad we are given the mind so we can manipulate things accordingly. Moreover, because of these trends in teaching, we also allow ourselves to grow. We are no longer stagnant to the traditional methods. We are now more open to new ideas that would not just increase our students learning but also ourselves. As we open ourselves to new fad, we can no longer feel outcast… we are part of the modern world and we are now all ready to face a more challenging role and that is to become the teacher of tomorrow’s youth. Why would we keep ourselves inside a nutshell when we can explore the world? The world is at our advantage, the world is waiting for us. Furthermore being inclined with these technological advances, we must also know our responsibilities. It is not every time that we have to let our students tinker the computer and we would juts sit back and relax knowing that that the world wide web or www. can provide the much needed information. We could not just do that. We are not teaching them anymore. We are feeding them with information that is not anymore filtered if they teach moral or ethical values. Modern devices such as computers are only a tool for learning. It is not the one who will teach us. It is still far more different than having a teacher in front who could explain the information being fed to these young minds. We just have to remember that the best computer in the world in our minds. We, the teachers, don’t just fed information nor just teach these children the basics of addition and subtraction or the proper use of grammar, we also touch their lives, we become a part of them, a part of their lives that could not just be erases or deleted by just a click away. We remain in their hearts forever. Teachers and facilitators in both formal and non-formal education settings are trying to ensure the effective use of Technology. Contrary to many teachers' fears, they are not an endangered species. Teachers and instructors are not at risk of being replaced by computers, but with the advent of technology and the development of a knowledge-based society, their role needs to be redefined. Teachers need training not only in computer literacy but also in the application of various kinds of educational software in teaching and learning. Furthermore, they need to learn how to integrate technology into their classroom activities and school structure. Technology presents vast possibilities for teaching and learning, but there have to be people to figure out how best to use it. Educational technology is most simply and comfortably defined as an array of tools that might prove helpful in advancing student learning. Educational technology is intended to improve education over what it would be without technology. Some of the claimed benefits like Easy-to-access course materials, Student motivation, Wide participation , Improved student writing, and Subjects made easier to learn .
•• Reflection:
In this, I reflect to myself that a teacher is a person who provides schooling for others. A teacher who facilitates education for an individual student may also be described as a personal tutor. To be open minded also is very important in terms of accepting suggestions and ideas of a teacher. For us educators is to provide a fun and entertaining atmosphere where creativity, study, education and knowledge are at the forefront and the teacher’s freedom and flexibility in how he or she chooses to conduct education. A teacher can leverage impact on many more beneficiaries, but also because it is not difficult, even in poor countries, to bring most or all teachers to technology, rather than having to take technology out to all the teachers. Therefore, teacher training is crucial. This educational network can become a tool that on the one hand facilitates teacher training and on the other hand helps them to take full advantage of the potential of technology to enhance student learning.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
My personal view about learning community
• Body:
Learning community is a group of people who share common values and beliefs, are actively engaged in learning together from each other. The learning community approach fundamentally restructures the curriculum, and the time and space of students. Many different curricular restructuring models are being used, but all of the learning community models intentionally link together courses or coursework to provide greater curricular coherence, more opportunities for active teaming, and interaction between students and faculty. Universities are often drawn to learning communities because research has shown that they improve student retention rates. Emily Lardner and Gillies Malnarich of the Washington Center at Ever green State College note that a learning community can have a much greater impact on students:The camaraderie of co-enrollment may help students stay in school longer, but learning communities can offer more: curricular coherence; integrative, high-quality learning; collaborative knowledge-construction; and skills and knowledge relevant to living in a complex, messy, diverse world. Studies show that enrollment in a learning community has a powerful effect on student learning and achievement.
Studies show that students who enroll in Learning Communities are more likely than their peers to pass their classes and to graduate. Other benefits include:
- Connected classes that meet your requirements
- Creative faculty dedicated to student success
- A chance to bond with fellow students and teachers
- More dynamic interactions in classes
- Faculty and staff coaching / support and encouragement
- Build friendships and create study networks
- Peer mentoring and study skills
- Opportunities for field trips and other activities
- General Education requirements are satisfied toward degree
- College-level credits are earned in first term
- Students form close social bonds and working relationships with others
- Students are assigned tutors and an educational specialist for your success
- College Success workshops on relationships, time management and financial aid are offered
- Faculty members and mentors offer personalized assistance
• Conclusion:
I there i conclude that learning community is very important in our life. It made the learning more interesting, fun and more knowledge are discuss. The knowledge of everyone are heard and the learning's are broaden. We can also gain more knowledge of the this around you. Learning community really plays a big part in our lives and also in our community today.
• References:
- Angehrn, Albert A.; Gibbert, Michael (2008).
- Gabelnick, Faith; MacGregor, Jean; Matthews, Roberta S.; Smith, Barbara Leigh (1990). 41. Jossey-Bass.
- Smith, Barbara Leigh; McCann, eds (2001). . Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing. .
Monday, July 5, 2010

• E learning is a way to get your education without having to attend a conventional classroom. You take your courses from home via the computer.
• E learning has become the newest craze of the modern day society. With the technology of computers and the internet, e learning has become a way for people to get their education but do it on their own time and in their own homes. E learning is basically an internet based education that some schools provide in order to accommodate people who do not have the transportation, time or ability to get to an actual educational center.
++ Education
Education is the information that you are taught by others and also what you learn on your own. People pay a lot of money to achieve the higher education in order to maintain good paying jobs.
Friday, July 2, 2010
♥ ♥ Defining Learning Communities :) []
that's all !! ☺
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INTRODUCTION: Teachers can use the framework to assist in the design of single lessons and learning sequences. Students can use ...
Oh yeah, mmm Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light From now on your troubles will be out of sight, yeah Have yourse...