Saturday, February 26, 2011



Teachers can use the framework to assist in the design of single lessons and learning sequences. Students can use these pedagogies as a source of ideas and a way of extending and enriching their own repertoire of teaching skills. There will be no template process that can adequately do the job for them. It will be a process of judicious informed consideration of multiple contributing aspects situated in the local context.

In this study, students will be exposed to discipline-specific pedagogies, methods, and practices.

To better understand how new teachers experience curriculum and assessments in the face of standards-based reform, The absence of a coherent curriculum has implications for student achievement and teacher retention in that students may learn less than they otherwise might, and many new teachers who could have succeeded with more support may leave teaching prematurely because of the overwhelming nature of the work and the pain of failing in the classroom.

In this topic, the analysis of student work for making decision about pedagogy: The General performance domain; creating performance task and setting up performance criteria; the types of performance task. And also on how to use assessment: traditional assessment; authentic assessment; performance assessment.

This framework promotes increased consistency across classrooms and continuity across different schooling levels in what is taught and how it is addressed. It is a significant step forward for students and teachers who can change their practice.


Curriculum Framework

Pedagogy is the art of teaching.

Effective teachers use an array of teaching strategies because there is no single, universal approach that suits all situations. All the students should be involved in intellectually challenging pursuits-those that provide opportunities for deep engagement with a topic or concept.

Classroom practice that engage students in solving a particular problem of significance and relevance to their words, they be it community, school-based or regional problem-provides the greatest opportunity for connectedness to the world beyond the classroom. The school curriculum plan will describe the array of teaching strategies the school will embrace. Teaching strategies will promote the following: Intellectual quality, Global and local connectedness, Supportive and social environments, Recognition of difference.

A curriculum framework is an organized plan or set of standards or learning outcomes that defines the content to be learned in terms of clear, definable standards of what the student should know and be able to do.

A Curriculum Framework is part of a outcome-based education or standards based education reform design. The framework is the first step, defining clear, high standards which will be achieved by all students. The curriculum is then aligned to the standards, and students are assessed against the standards. As compared with traditional education which is concerned only about delivering content, a standards based education reform system promises that all will succeed if all are held to high expectations. When the standards are reached, there will be no achievement gap where some groups are allowed to score lower than others, or the disabled are offered different opportunities than others. All will meet world class standards and be qualified for good colleges and trained for good jobs which pay good wages

A Guide to Productive Pedeagogies



The early self-fulfilling prophecy studies (Rist, 1970) and studies of streaming and tracking (Oakes, Gamoran & Page, 1992), show that one of the main reasons some students do not achieve high academic performances is that schools do not always require students to perform work of high intellectual quality. Conversely, Newmann and Associates (1996) suggest that when students from all backgrounds are expected to perform work of high intellectual quality, overall student academic performance increases and equity gaps diminish, relative to conventional teaching practices. From this research, we would generalize that a focus on high intellectual quality is necessary for all students to perform well academically. We want to ensure that students manipulate information and ideas in ways which transform their meaning and implications, understand that knowledge is not a fixed body of information, and can coherently communicate ideas, concepts, arguments and explanations with rich detail. Changing instructional strategies will not, in and of itself, increase student learning if a concurrent change in what students are learning does not also occur. "Assuming the central purpose of teaching is to help students to use their minds well, then education reform must involve more than innovation in teaching technique, method or procedure" say Newmann, Secada and Wehlag (1995). Intellectual quality of students' experiences must also change. Students must develop complex understandings of issues, solve important problems, understand powerful ideas. Simply put, they must develop critical thinking skills.

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